Application Form The on-line application form, submit participation in training 1Data to VAT invoice Name of Company:* Street and apartment number: * Postal code and city: * Phone: * Tax ID: * 2Details of the trainings Training name: Select training Elementary OHS trainingFirst aidSzkolenia VRSzkolenie wstępne BHP w formie wideokonferencji (online) Date of training: Pick period of training: 2025.04.16 Number of persons: * Total cost: 3Terms of payment Participant of the training agrees to pay a fee for the training before the start date of training or cash on the course. Please indicate on the document of transfer, name and date of the course, along with the name of the company paying. If paying by bank transfer, please show proof of payment. The fee for participation is the number of participants x unit cost of the course, will be: credited to the account: mBank 11 1140 2004 0000 3302 3129 1474paid in the day of training by cash TBF Ltd. reserves the right to cancel the courses. In case of cancellation by the organizer of the course, participants receive a full refund of charges brought for the course. Written withdrawal of the participant's training period of not less than 3 days before date of course, involves a fee of 50% of the training. If written cancellation is made within less than 3 days before the date of commencement of the course, will be charged at 100% of the training. Disclaimer: We hereby declare that we accept the above conditions of participation in training and authorize the TBF to issue invoices without our signature. 4Confirmation of application E-mail address will be sent to confirm the report:* This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.